Fabrice came all the way from the South of France. To help translate, he brought with him his lovely sister. His keratoconus was somewhat advanced, but Laserfit rose to the occasion and provided him with excellent quality of vision and great comfort. The beauty of Laserfit is how well-adapted it … [Read more...] about Postcard from France: Laserfit lenses for Keratoconus
Rigid Contact lenses can vault Pingueculae and Pterygia
One of the advantages of Laserfit is the precise control of the lens contour to match the eye. The lens surface is smooth when it needs to be but can also be made with micro-vaults for pingueculae and pterygia. A pinguecula (pin-GWEK-yoo-lah) is a yellowish, slightly raised thickening of the … [Read more...] about Rigid Contact lenses can vault Pingueculae and Pterygia
Wavefront-guided lenses gets elite 20/10 vision for 20/20 man
Introduction Patient with 20/20 Snellen and no refractive error is unhappy with his vision. Why? The history is one of bilateral LASIK about a year or two prior that left him with night vision problems. He wants to be a police officer in a Canadian province. Employment restrictions include LASIK … [Read more...] about Wavefront-guided lenses gets elite 20/10 vision for 20/20 man
Wavefront Lens Process – Simplified
External Surface OCT Scan The Laserfit™ Lens process begins by digitally scanning the anterior surface of the eye using optical coherence tomography. The result is a series of greyscale images like the one shown below. It looks very much like a CT-scan, but is done with a low powered low coherence … [Read more...] about Wavefront Lens Process – Simplified
OCT model of advanced Keratoconus eye
A picture is worth a thousand words, and pictures like this are rare. This one is of an eye of a patient with advanced keratoconus. We obtained OCT scans of the eye and used them to create this 3D image. It's a powerful demonstration of our advanced imaging and design capabilities. We use this … [Read more...] about OCT model of advanced Keratoconus eye
What are considered severe or complex vision issues?
Dr. G. has spent that past couple of decades figuring out ways of restoring “normal” vision to patients with complex vision issues. But what exactly is a complex vision issue? Is it the patient with the high prescription? Possibly. We define a complex vision issue as a refractive problem which … [Read more...] about What are considered severe or complex vision issues?