One of the advantages of Laserfit is the precise control of the lens contour to match the eye. The lens surface is smooth when it needs to be but can also be made with micro-vaults for pingueculae and pterygia. A pinguecula (pin-GWEK-yoo-lah) is a yellowish, slightly raised thickening of the … [Read more...] about Rigid Contact lenses can vault Pingueculae and Pterygia
OCT Articles
Contains articles about Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) technology in relation to Laserfit scleral contact lens design process.
The OCT devices is used to scan and map the anterior of the eye in order to make custom lenses that both fits the eye like a glove and is comfortable for each individual person to use for prolonged periods of time. It is also very important in terms of stabilising the lens to be non-rotational which is required in order to correctly correct corneal aberrations.