What do elite athletes have in common?
The answer is vision. According to sports vision experts*, most elite athletes see better than 20/20, usually 20/15 or better. Some see 20/10. In the NBA, only 19% have a need for vision correction, compared to 54% of the general population between the ages of 18 to 29. Clear vision is important to see the rim for the most accurate shot possible. If one eye is slightly blurry, the shooter will miss his shot to the side of his better seeing eye.
Clear vision is also the building block that starts the eye hand body response. Blurred vision creates slower reaction times. In other words, elite vision is key to peak athletic performance.
Why Laserfit is the perfect fit for athletes
The Laserfit Scleral Lens is the lens par excellence for elite athletes, or those who aspire to be elite athletes. Why? Optics. Each and every eye has a unique optical “fingerprint” that standard eyeglasses and contact lenses do not address. The process of fitting Laserfit lenses involves going beyond the standard eye examination to measure the optical characteristics that make each eye unique.
Instead of just measuring the amount of nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism, an FDA approved laser device, called an aberrometer, measures a minimum of 44 different optical characteristics. These characteristics can then be incorporated into the optics of the Laserfit lens in order to make the eye a more perfect seeing instrument.
Laserfit lenses excel in outdoor conditions
Another important quality of Laserfit lenses is that they perform well under adverse conditions. Since they cover more of the eye than standard soft lenses, the eye is better protected in windy and dusty conditions. And because Laserfit lenses are designed to hold a layer of liquid against the eye, they are better tolerated by those with dry eyes than standard contact lenses.
Our patented process involves taking scans of each eye using another FDA approved low coherence laser device, or OCT. From these scans a digital model of the eye is produced, which serves as the template for the lens. So, in addition to individualized optics, each lens is uniquely designed to match the shape of the eye.
The end result
The result is a comfortable lens that generally does not move on the eye, protects the eye against the environment, and provides the best possible vision under all circumstances – day or night.